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Date: Jeudi, 26 Septembre 2024 à 23:50 (English | Français)

Emoji Email

Cardel, 29 ans

Emoji Email

Emplacement: Jamaïque, Kingston

Sexe: m

Ethnicité: Métis

À propos de moi: Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am

Date d'inscription: le 30 juin 2015 à 17:56

Dernière visite: le 15 septembre 2015 à 04:00

Voir les publications de Cardel (1)

Cardel Cardel le 30 juin 2015 à 10:07

Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am

Image de Cardel. Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am


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